约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University,缩写JHU,别名“菊花大学”)成立于1876年1月22日,系根据美国著名慈善家约翰·霍普金斯的遗嘱使用其遗产建立。约翰霍普金斯大学是一所中等大小的非营利私立研究型大学,主校区位于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩市,在华盛顿特区、中国南京、新加坡、意大利博洛尼亚都有分校区。约翰霍普金斯大学是美国第一所现代研究型大学,它的成功引发了美国大学向研究型大学转型的风潮,一批新的研究型大学也随之纷纷建立。学校以医学、公共卫生、空间科学、国际关系、文学及音乐等学科而闻名世界,也是哈勃空间望远镜和詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜的地面控制中心所在地。美国国家科学基金会连续31年将该校列为全美科研经费开支最高的大学。截止至2012年,约翰霍普金斯大学共有36名校友获诺贝尔奖。 注:约翰霍普金斯是19世纪巴尔的摩地区著名的美国企业家、废奴主义者与慈善家。很多院系都是由其名字命名,如:约翰霍普金斯医院、约翰霍普金斯护理学院、约翰霍普金斯医学院、约翰霍普金斯公共健康学院。
约翰霍普金斯大学成立于1876年,由国马里兰州巴尔的摩市银行家、贵格会教徒约翰·霍普金斯去世时留下的遗产创立,是北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(Association of American Universities)的14所创始校之一。
学校的宿舍既有传统的学生宿舍楼,也有风格时尚的校舍。提供给新生的宿舍楼区有:AMR I、AMR II、Building A&B、Wolman Hall。其它楼区还有:McCoy Hall、Charles Commons、Rogers House、Bradford、Homewood。室内的配置通常包括床、书桌/椅、衣柜等,日常生活用品管理处为学生们提供吸尘器、拖布、水桶、扫帚和垃圾桶等清洁用品。住宿的学生不可以在房间的墙上张贴东西、钉钉子及悬挂任何物品。宿舍楼区还包括游戏房、键身房、电脑房和餐厅。学生们生活在一起,通过参加各种活动,有更多的机会结交新朋友,除了学业上的进步,还可以更多的积累一些生活方面的经验。
Washington D.C.华盛顿校区是一个充满都市气息的校园环境。校园位于华盛顿西北的马萨诸塞大道,共3幢教学楼。SAIS就在这里,包括:图书馆、学生宿舍、快餐店以及办公中心。
1、Baltimore is a great mid-size city that offers many entertainment options. Washington, D.C., is an easy day trip away.
2、Despite being in the city, Hopkins is actually very beautiful and green. When on campus, you never ever feel like you're in a city.
3、Johns Hopkins University has a great academic reputation. This reputation helps students network and find jobs right out of college.
4、Lack of a general core curriculum. Individual majors have requirements, but there are no courses that everyone takes.
5、Off-campus housing is affordable. Baltimore is a city with a low cost of living.
6、Research opportunities abound. If you want to do research as an undergraduate, Hopkins is a great choice.
7、Students organize symposia and lectures with world-class speakers. These speakers discuss topics from engineering to international relations to film.
8、Transportation around the city is quick, easy, and cheap. This allows students to explore the many benefits of Baltimore.
9、You can walk anywhere on campus and to almost all off-campus housing within 15 minutes.
10、All of the dorm and food options are well above average. Hopkins students are spoiled by this.
1、The competitive nature of the students. The school is so competitive that a large number of students rarely take a break from studying. As the school year drags on, you begin to see the same people in the library.
2、Hopkins lacks traditional school spirit. Students are proud of the Hopkins name and reputation, but not its athletics.
3、Many students feel that professors are more concerned with their own research than with helping the students they teach.
4、The on-campus meal plan leaves a lot to be desired. Although there's a wide selection of food offered, students dislike the meal plan requirement for freshmen and sophomores. It is expensive, and the dining halls repeat food choices often.
5、Parking is a headache. Even when friends come to visit for a day or two, it is almost impossible to find them a parking spot.
6、There are unsafe neighborhoods surrounding Hopkins, and new students need to learn where they should and should not walk.
7、Tuition is extremely expensive. Although financial aid packages and scholarships lower the burden, most students graduate with large amounts of debt.
8、With the name recognition attached, students expect to have an adequate health and wellness center. The Student Health & Wellness Center, however, is famous around campus for misdiagnosing student illnesses.
9、Although there are around 6,000 undergrads, it often feels like you always see and deal with the same people.
10、Grade deflation makes it difficult to maintain a high GPA, though there are always exceptions. Very academically rigorous.
地址:Office of Undergraduate Admissions Johns Hopkins University Mason Hall / 3400 N. Charles St. Baltimore, MD 21218-2683, USA
电话:1 (410) 516-8171
传真:1 (410) 516-6025
地址:Johns Hopkins University 3400 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 USA
电话:1 410-516-8000
地址:Johns Hopkins University 3400 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 USA
电话:1 410-516-8000
地址:Johns Hopkins University 3400 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21218 USA
电话:1 410-516-8000
地址:English as a Second Language, Center for Language Education, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 North Charles Street 504 Krieger Hall Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
电话:1 410-516-5431
传真:1 410-516-8008
地址:Office of International Student and Scholar Services, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles Street, 358 Garland Hall, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
电话:1 (410) 516-1013
传真:1 (410) 516-1018